March 12 Celebration Day!

We’re celebrating March 12 in our home this year! March 12 of 2019, 2020, & 2021 saw David in the Pediatric ICU at UCLA fighting for his life against a lung infection. Any parent with a child with special needs knows hospital stays and frequent specialty doctor visits are a part of life. Doing this for nearly 20 years I can tell you, the scariest hospital stay is the one you’re in. You never know in the moment how it will turn out.

Last weekend our family was hit by a bad cold complete with cough and serious congestion. It knocked down Lisa and Matthias pretty hard for a number of days. We tested everyone for Covid and were able to check that off the list. When David caught it, we got vigilant. At first he was fighting it off, but then we saw it start to get the better of him. With March 12 in mind, our anxiety began creeping up. 

At this point, Lisa and I know the signs when things start heading toward infection and pneumonia. We’re watchful for the subtle signs. As his cold progressed we ramped up every treatment in our arsenal. We increased his respiratory vest (why oh why did no doctors prescribe this for the 18 years of his life??), we increased the number of times he was getting albuterol. Lisa called his primary doctor to see about an appointment and antibiotic. IN the time between the initial cautionary call at 8 in the morning and getting everything sorted by the afternoon, it was clear David needed the antibiotic (thank you Dr. Bravo!)–such is the way things turn so quickly with David. David had a rough weekend–sleeping lots, low energy, lots of congestion.

But each day his spirits got better and we got more and smiles from him. By Tuesday last week he was back at school! He’s been smiling and laughing all week. I’ve shared about challenges we have with David’s health care before. We live knowing one of these infections may take a turn for the worse.  But today we’re celebrating! David is doing great and has started March 12, 2022 his feisty, rascally full-of-opinions self at home and is doing doing great. This is a day of celebration!


  1. Great news! Grateful for God’s goodness in providing for David each day. You and Lisa are such a blessing in your love and care for him.

  2. Oh Stepen and Lisa! What amazing parents you are to David. What a wonderful story, thank you for sharing it!!!! God is wise and has blessed you with wisdom. Especially for David whom He loves. Happy late March 12th dear friends.
    Hugs and much love,
    Melissa (Carr) Davis

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